Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I found a very interesting article in the Forbes web page about the potential that rooftop gardens have in the market. It is impressive how such a simple thing can even generate profit. Forbes Article.
This process has been very interesting through all the process and we've been having fun learning and experimenting with this project. I hope you can either make your own mobile garden or enjoy with us this experience through our blog.


Did you know that the world´s largest farm on a rooftop is in Brooklyn? check it out! Largest Farm on Rooftop


At first I was worried about this project. I thought that it was going to be very difficult because i didn´t know anything about this topic. Now that I know a lot and that we´re finally doing the plantation in the mobile garden, I´m very happy because I think this is a wonderfull way to contribute to the welfare of the planet, that everyone should do and it´s a lot easier than it seems.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Here are some pictures that we took today of the plants. In a few days we will plant them in the mobile garden. You can check the mobile garden progress in the tab above. These plants are very special because they are organically grown, this means that there are no chemicals involved in the process and we are using some of the best soil and water to keep them healthy until they are ready to be harvested. Please share your comments with us! We can also answer any questions you may have :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Our plants grow bigger every day. It is amazing how fast they have developed from seeds to very well grown plants, still they have a long way to go. Our mobile garden is almost ready and in a few days we will move our plants there. Meanwhile we are having a good time taking care of these little plants that some times give us hard time. Here are some of the most recent pictures we have taken of them. Enjoy and share your thoughts!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This morning we found that the dill weed was grown enough to be taken out of the water tray, therefore we moved the dill pots to the plastic tray with the lettuce and radish. Here the plants are watered daily but the humidity level is less, plus they are more exposed to the sunlight. The thyme and the chives are growing slower, that is why we will let them in the water tray until they are ready to be removed. Here are the latest pictures of our plants.


As a request from one of our readers this is the link to the store web page where we got the materials we used so far. Click on the link below to check out their web page!

Here is a picture we found of some beautifully grown hydroponic lettuce.

You can check out this really nice web page which we found very useful during our reaserch. 

Please share your thoughts and feedback with us!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Today we are going to show you the progress of our seeds. Some of them are already very well grown and some others are very small but this is because they are a different species and their germination time differs. We have to take the grown plant pots out of the water tray because they don't need that much water anymore, and we let the rest in the tray until they are fully grown. We can assure you that this is an exciting progress and we are having a lot of fun as we watch our plants grow. We will soon be building our mobile garden. We will be posting some of our sketches and progress soon.
Take a look at our little plants below! Don't forget to share your thoughts with us.